Delays in transfers between accounts

Daniel Carrera daniel.carrera at
Sun Jul 8 09:55:40 EDT 2007

Hi Fred,

Fred Bone wrote:
>> April  3: Bank A -> Transit
>> April 10: Transit -> Bank B
>> Now your GnuCash accounts will both match your bank statements.
> Thanks. This is just what I am doing (except I put "Money in Transit" 
> under "Suspense", together with the automatically-created "Imbalance-GBP" 
> and "Orphan-GBP"). The (minor) problem with this is the lack of any 
> visible link between the two, other than both being for the same amount. 
> Perhaps I'm expecting too much.

I don't know why you need an 'Imbalance' or 'Orphan' account. You 
shouldn't. You only need _one_ account, the one I call Transit.

To have a visible link between them I suggest you use the 'Description' 
and 'Num' fields. The Description and Num should be the same in both 
transactions. I realize that often the description will just be "Money 
Transfer", but the Num field can still help here. You could put the 
cheque number if using a cheque, and in the case of electronic transfers 
I use my own sequential numbering scheme. For example, 'E01' for your 
first transfer on record, 'E02' for the next, etc.


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