Rearranging the hierarchy

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at
Thu Jul 26 08:58:28 EDT 2007

Let's say that I set the books up with a certain hierarchy of accounts.

I later decide that some accounts I had as top level accounts should be 
grouped. In other words, let's say that I had a bunch of asset accounts 
at the top level:
savings account
checking account

I want instead:
current assets
     savings account
     checking account

I can see how to do this (via editing accounts) if this were not at the 
top level. In other words, If I had:
and I wanted instead
because I could create new account D with A as its parent and then edit 
both B and C to have D as their parent (at least I think it would work, 
at least the choice D appears in the menu of choices for parent). But 
that isn't the menu situation when it's the top level situation about 
which I am asking (in other words, no choice for a different parent when 
editing an account that was created as top level)

Not possible? (awkward if unable to later correct a failure to group)
If possible, how?


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