French terminology

Peter FELECAN pfelecan at
Tue May 1 03:51:47 EDT 2007

Duane Evenson <duane-maillists at> writes:

> Peter FELECAN wrote:
>> I have some trouble on finding the reports which corresponds to the
>> terminology used by my French accountant.
>> Here are the terms employed by my accountant, followed by what I think
>> is the corresponding report:
>> balance                    ?= Récapitulatif des comptes      
>> balance                    ?= Relevé des revenus et depenses 
>> grand livre                ?= Grand livre de base            
>> détail du compte           ?= Journal de transaction         
>> détail mensuel des comptes ?= Rapport de transaction         
>> Can somebody versed in French and accounting practices, I'm thinking
>> especially to the French translator(s), give me the equivalent in term
>> of GnuCash reports.
>> TIA
> Récapitulatif des comptes  -- Account Summary
> Relevé des revenus et depenses -- Income Statement
> Grand livre de base -- General Ledger?
> Journal de transaction -- Transaction Journal
> Rapport de transaction -- Transaction Report


Thank you for the answers. What I forgot to specify is that the terms
used by my accountant are on the left side and the terms that I think
equivalent in GnuCash are on the right side of my table; the
translation of GnuCash terms in French are correct. It's only the
equivalence in the French accountants terminology --- left side of my
table --- that is not so clear.

Remark: Sorry for the first reply to your personal mail account, I
        didn't realize that the Reply-To field wasn't set by the
        mailing list mails-server.


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