Investment question...

Wouter van Marle wouter at
Sun May 13 12:04:18 EDT 2007

On 12 May 07, at 23:11, Eric Ladner wrote:

> My company has a stock match plan where they pitch in and match a
> portion of the money that I put into it.
> Where would that money come from?

This to me is obviously an "income", even though it's not paid to you 

How to account for it will depend on your tax system - in some systems 
it's considered retirement savings and taxed only when the money is 
made available, in others it may be considered direct income and taxed 
as such.

You will also want to check on how to deal with capital gains on those 
stocks. May also complicate things; mainly concerning taxes.


>  The only thing I can think of is
> maybe creating an Equity account to pull it from, but I'm not sure if
> that's right.  I don't really want to have to keep track of the other
> side of the money they're giving me, but I understand that the double
> entry accounting requires it to be so.
> What's a best practice for that?
> Thanks,
> -- 
> Eric Ladner
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