Reconciliation: Incorrect Starting Balance
Derek Atkins
warlord at MIT.EDU
Wed May 30 10:58:03 EDT 2007
hendrik at writes:
> It turns out to be easy, at least with the version of gnucash I was
> running recently.
> Only one end of a transaction is reconciled. When I reconcile my
> chequing account, a cheque gets marked recondiled when I find it on my
> bank statement. But in the corresponding expense or liabilities
> account, it is not marked reconciled. Presumably, if it's my phone bill
> it's paying, I can take my entire history of phone bills and reconcile
> them, too, if I should be so inclined (I'm not)..
> If I'm at the phone end ot the transaction, I can also change the
> account the phone bill is being paid from, say, by letting it be paid
>>From a credit card instead of my chequing account. The result is a
> fully reconciled transaction, complete with cheque number, on my credit
> card account!
> I do wish gnucash would issue a warning if a change to a transaction
> could affect *any* of the accounts it is reconciled in, before or after,
> not just the one I have onscreen.
> I don't mind if it involves changes on the nonreconciled ends of
> transactions. Changing a payment's destination from "Imbalance" to
> "Phone" is quite common!
Could you please file a bug report with this if it's really
so easy in 2.0.x? This should get fixed.
Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
warlord at MIT.EDU PGP key available
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