scheme error at startup

Chris Bare chris at
Mon Nov 5 14:19:53 EST 2007

I'm getting the following error whenever I try to start gnucash:

oberon: 1% gnucash
gnc.bin-Message: main: binreloc relocation support was disabled at configure

In current input:
   1:  0* [gnc:report-menu-setup]
   ?:  1  (letrec (# # # ...) (gnc-add-scm-extension income-expense-menu) ...)
In /usr/share/gnucash/guile-modules/gnucash/report/report-gnome.scm:
 120:  2* [gnc:add-report-template-menu-items]
In unknown file:
   ?:  3  (letrec (# # # ...) (gnc:report-templates-for-each add-template)
In /usr/share/gnucash/guile-modules/gnucash/report/report-gnome.scm:
  93:  4  [for-each #<procedure #f (item)> (# # # # ...)]
In unknown file:
   ?:  5* [#<procedure #f (item)> ("Vendor Report" . #)]
In /usr/share/gnucash/guile-modules/gnucash/report/report-gnome.scm:
  95:  6* [add-template-menu-item "Vendor Report" #]
  53:  7  (if (gnc:report-template-in-menu? template) (let (# # # ...) (if #
#) ...))
  54:  8  (let (# # # #) (if # #) (set! menu-path #) ...)
  69:  9* (if (not menu-tip) (set! menu-tip (sprintf #f # #)))
  70: 10  (set! menu-tip (sprintf #f (_ "Display the %s report") (_ name)))
  71: 11* [sprintf #f "Display the %s report" "Vendor Report"]
In unknown file:
   ?: 12  (let* (# # #) (apply stdio:iprintf # format ...) (cond # # #))
   ?: 13* [apply #<procedure stdio:iprintf #> #<procedure #f #> ...]
   ?: 14  [stdio:iprintf #<procedure #f (x)> "Display the %s report" "Vendor
   ?: 15  (letrec (# # #) (do () # #) (cond #) ...)
   ?: 16* (case fc ((#\l #\l #\h) (set! type-modifier fc) (must-advance)))

<unnamed port>: In procedure memoization in expression (case fc (# # #)):
<unnamed port>: Duplicate case label #\l in expression (case fc ((#\l #\l #\h)
(set! type-modifier fc) (must-advance))).

This happens with both 2.0.5 and 2.2.1 using the standard ebuilds from gentoo.
I've also rebuilt guile, slib and gnucash together, but it didn't fix the
problem. I also unmerged gnucash and re-emerged it.

I saw some other posts on the mailing list indicating that this might be
caused by missing files, but I think 2.0.5 was working until I updated some

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get it working again?

Chris Bare
chris at

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