Openoffice cross-dependency?

Robert Heller heller at
Fri Nov 16 09:40:31 EST 2007

At Thu, 15 Nov 2007 22:59:13 -0500 Josh Sled <jsled at> wrote:

> "Fred Bone" <Fred.Bone at> writes:
> > (WinXP-Pro)
> >
> > I've just upgraded from 2.2 to 2.3(*) and was somewhat 
> > startled to see the installer complain that it couldn't complete until I 
> > closed GnuCash.
> >
> > I've since reopened GnuCash and all seems to be well, but is there a 
> > known cross-dependency?
> Windows is extremely simple-minded about locking DLLs and other resources
> only tangentially used by a process.  That being said, I don't know what it
> might have been, and I've not heard this report otherwise, so there's not a
> specific known cross-dependency, per se.  I'd be curious to know what it was,
> of course; maybe someone has a free hour to dump the memory/library maps of
> both and see where they intersect.

Don't they both use Gtk?


Robert Heller             -- Get the Deepwoods Software FireFox Toolbar!
Deepwoods Software        -- Linux Installation and Administration  -- Web Hosting, with CGI and Database
heller at       -- Contract Programming: C/C++, Tcl/Tk

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