Printing backward

Nathan Buchanan nbinont at
Sat Nov 24 16:34:39 EST 2007

On Nov 19, 2007 8:12 PM, Richard Mancusi <vrman49 at> wrote:

> On Nov 19, 2007 6:18 PM, Ken G. <ken.g at> wrote:
> > Hi:  I reinstalled PDFCreator and was able to save the pdf file.  I am
> > attaching it.  Not only it is backward but upside-down!
> >
> It sure looks like a non-GnuCash printing problem.  I didn't have any
> problem printing the same report from my system using the CUPS
> PDF printer.  But indeed, your PDF looks and prints as you stated.
> A couple of questions:
> 1. Can you create PDFs from other applications?
> 2. Linux?  If yes distribution, version, Gnome/KDE? etc.
> 3. How are your printers installed? CUPS?
> 4. Your document was created with PDFCreator Version 0.9.3, what is it?

I've used PDFCreator v0.9.3 on windows and it's very reliable once
installed, FWIW.


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