Extra content added to printed invoices
Robert Heller
heller at deepsoft.com
Sat Oct 6 20:41:45 EDT 2007
At Fri, 28 Sep 2007 19:33:17 -0400 Derek Atkins <warlord at MIT.EDU> wrote:
> Robert Heller <heller at deepsoft.com> writes:
> > At Fri, 28 Sep 2007 16:56:19 -0400 Derek Atkins <warlord at MIT.EDU> wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> Robert Heller <heller at deepsoft.com> writes:
> >>
> >> > How different is the scheme API between 2.0 and 2.2? I too am still
> >> > using 2.0 and am not likely to upgrade to 2.2 for a while. I'll
> >>
> >> Every 'wrapped' api changed name. Now the scheme function name
> >> is the same as the C function name... E.g., gncInvoiceGetId instead
> >> of gnc:invoice-get-id.
> >
> > OK, so something like a sed edit script would be mostly suffient to 'up
> > date' from a 2.0 to a 2.2 scheme file?
> Probably.
> > Also: is there anything like an API document (for either 2.0 or 2.2)?
> > Before I start messing with the code it would be nice to know what it
> > all means...
> Sure! http://cvs.gnucash.org/docs/HEAD/
I could not find any useful *scheme* API docs here, or at least I am
not sure what to look for. Specificly, what do the *all* arguments to
gnc:html-table-set-cell! mean (I can guess what *some* of them mean)?
It appears to generate a <TD>..</TD> tag, but I am not sure what all of
the auguments mean. I am programming in the dark by (undocumented!)
example (cutting and pasting other code and generally guessing).
> > Also: is there any special magic to get the system to recognise
> > additional new reports or is just dropping the file in the proper
> > directory suffiencent?
> You need to get it loaded. You can do that either in
> $HOME/.gnucash/config.user or by modifying the standard-reports.scm
> or business-reports.scm to load your report too.
What *exactly* do I need to put in $HOME/.gnucash/config.user (or
$HOME/.gnucash/config.auto?)? I included the line in
(load-from-path "/home/heller/gnucash/stylesheet-dws.scm")
Which I'm *guessing* will load the named scheme file, but I don't get any
errors nor any indication that this file is in fact being loaded. I'm
hoping that this code will add an additional stylesheet template, but it
does not. It is a copy of stylesheet-fancy.scm that I hacked (yes, I
changed the names). I'll attach the file with this message. I don't
want to hack on the files under /usr/share/gnucash -- I don't want to
randomly clobber my GnuCash installation, until I am sure my code works
> >> > probably end up hacking a customized scheme file for invoices (and
> >> > probably also for 'customer statements' as well).
> >>
> >> In what way is the Customer Report not sufficient?
> >
> > Just want it to say "Statement of Account" rather then "Customer Report ..."
> > -- the intent to to create something that makes sense to mail to
> > customers as opposed to an 'in-house' document. Maybe also to change
> > some details of the report to make it more 'printer friendly', like with
> > the invoice ids instead of links to the invoices.
> Making the title an option (or just changing the inline title) should
> be fine.. I think it would be "better" if you worked with the current
> report and added options to it instead of writing a new report.
> Code-reuse is a GOOD THING. :-D
> -derek
Robert Heller -- Get the Deepwoods Software FireFox Toolbar!
Deepwoods Software -- Linux Installation and Administration
http://www.deepsoft.com/ -- Web Hosting, with CGI and Database
heller at deepsoft.com -- Contract Programming: C/C++, Tcl/Tk
-------------- next part --------------
;; stylesheet-dws.scm : stylesheet with nicer layout
;; RPH Sat Oct 6 19:45:32 2007: add a button image to the bottom (eg PayPal)
;; Copyright 2000 Bill Gribble <grib at gnumatic.com>
;; Copyright 2007 Robert Heller <heller at deepsoft.com>
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program; if not, contact:
;; Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942
;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652
;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA gnu at gnu.org
(define-module (gnucash report stylesheet-fancy))
(use-modules (gnucash main)) ;; FIXME: delete after we finish modularizing.
(use-modules (gnucash gnc-module))
(gnc:module-load "gnucash/report/report-system" 0)
(define (dws-options)
(let* ((options (gnc:new-options))
(lambda (opt)
(gnc:register-option options opt))))
(N_ "General")
(N_ "Preparer") "a"
(N_ "Name of person preparing the report")
(N_ "General")
(N_ "Prepared for") "b"
(N_ "Name of organization or company prepared for")
(N_ "General")
(N_ "Show preparer info") "c"
(N_ "Name of organization or company")
(N_ "General")
(N_ "Enable Links") "c"
(N_ "Enable hyperlinks in reports")
(N_ "Images")
(N_ "Background Tile") "a" (N_ "Background tile for reports.")
(N_ "Images")
(N_ "Heading Banner") "b" (N_ "Banner for top of report.")
(N_ "Images")
(N_ "Heading Alignment") "c" (N_ "Banner for top of report.")
(list (vector 'left
(N_ "Left")
(N_ "Align the banner to the left"))
(vector 'center
(N_ "Center")
(N_ "Align the banner in the center"))
(vector 'right
(N_ "Right")
(N_ "Align the banner to the right"))
(N_ "Images")
(N_ "Logo") "d" (N_ "Company logo image.")
(N_ "Images")
(N_ "Button Image") "e" (N_ "Button image.")
(N_ "Colors")
(N_ "Background Color") "a" (N_ "General background color for report.")
(list #xff #xff #xff 0)
255 #f))
(N_ "Colors")
(N_ "Text Color") "b" (N_ "Normal body text color.")
(list #x00 #x00 #x00 0)
255 #f))
(N_ "Colors")
(N_ "Link Color") "c" (N_ "Link text color.")
(list #xb2 #x22 #x22 0)
255 #f))
(N_ "Colors")
(N_ "Table Cell Color") "c" (N_ "Default background for table cells.")
(list #xff #xff #xff 0)
255 #f))
(N_ "Colors")
(N_ "Alternate Table Cell Color") "d"
(N_ "Default alternate background for table cells.")
(list #xff #xff #xff 0)
255 #f))
(N_ "Colors")
(N_ "Subheading/Subtotal Cell Color") "e"
(N_ "Default color for subtotal rows.")
(list #xee #xe8 #xaa 0)
255 #f))
(N_ "Colors")
(N_ "Sub-subheading/total Cell Color") "f"
(N_ "Color for subsubtotals")
(list #xfa #xfa #xd2 0)
255 #f))
(N_ "Colors")
(N_ "Grand Total Cell Color") "g"
(N_ "Color for grand totals")
(list #xff #xff #x00 0)
255 #f))
(N_ "Tables")
(N_ "Table cell spacing") "a" (N_ "Space between table cells")
1 0 20 0 1))
(N_ "Tables")
(N_ "Table cell padding") "b" (N_ "Space between table cells")
1 0 20 0 1))
(N_ "Tables")
(N_ "Table border width") "c" (N_ "Bevel depth on tables")
1 0 20 0 1))
(define (dws-renderer options doc)
(let* ((ssdoc (gnc:make-html-document))
(lambda (section name)
(gnc:lookup-option options section name))))
(lambda (section name)
(gnc:lookup-option options section name))))
(preparer (opt-val (N_ "General") (N_ "Preparer")))
(prepared-for (opt-val (N_ "General") (N_ "Prepared for")))
(show-preparer? (opt-val (N_ "General") (N_ "Show preparer info")))
(links? (opt-val (N_ "General") (N_ "Enable Links")))
(bgcolor (color-val (N_ "Colors") (N_ "Background Color")))
(textcolor (color-val (N_ "Colors") (N_ "Text Color")))
(linkcolor (color-val (N_ "Colors") (N_ "Link Color")))
(normal-row-color (color-val (N_ "Colors") (N_ "Table Cell Color")))
(alternate-row-color (color-val (N_ "Colors")
(N_ "Alternate Table Cell Color")))
(color-val (N_ "Colors")
(N_ "Subheading/Subtotal Cell Color")))
(color-val (N_ "Colors")
(N_ "Sub-subheading/total Cell Color")))
(grand-total-color (color-val (N_ "Colors")
(N_ "Grand Total Cell Color")))
(bgpixmap (opt-val (N_ "Images") (N_ "Background Tile")))
(headpixmap (opt-val (N_ "Images") (N_ "Heading Banner")))
(logopixmap (opt-val (N_ "Images") (N_ "Logo")))
(buttonpixmap (opt-val (N_ "Images") (N_ "Button Image")))
(align (gnc:value->string(opt-val (N_ "Images") (N_ "Heading Alignment"))))
(spacing (opt-val (N_ "Tables") (N_ "Table cell spacing")))
(padding (opt-val (N_ "Tables") (N_ "Table cell padding")))
(border (opt-val (N_ "Tables") (N_ "Table border width")))
(headcolumn 0))
; center the document without elements inheriting anything
(gnc:html-document-add-object! ssdoc
(gnc:make-html-text "<center>"))
ssdoc "body"
'attribute (list "bgcolor" bgcolor)
'attribute (list "text" textcolor)
'attribute (list "link" linkcolor))
ssdoc "number-header"
'tag "th"
'attribute (list "align" "right"))
ssdoc "number-cell"
'tag "td"
'attribute (list "align" "right")
'attribute (list "nowrap"))
(if (and bgpixmap
(not (string=? bgpixmap "")))
ssdoc "body"
'attribute (list "background" bgpixmap)))
ssdoc "table"
'attribute (list "border" border)
'attribute (list "cellspacing" spacing)
'attribute (list "cellpadding" padding))
ssdoc "normal-row"
'attribute (list "bgcolor" normal-row-color)
'tag "tr")
ssdoc "alternate-row"
'attribute (list "bgcolor" alternate-row-color)
'tag "tr")
ssdoc "primary-subheading"
'attribute (list "bgcolor" primary-subheading-color)
'tag "tr")
ssdoc "secondary-subheading"
'attribute (list "bgcolor" secondary-subheading-color)
'tag "tr")
ssdoc "grand-total"
'attribute (list "bgcolor" grand-total-color)
'tag "tr")
ssdoc "text-cell"
'tag "td"
'attribute (list "align" "left"))
ssdoc "total-number-cell"
'tag '("td" "b")
'attribute (list "align" "right"))
ssdoc "total-label-cell"
'tag '("td" "b")
'attribute (list "align" "left"))
ssdoc "centered-label-cell"
'tag '("td" "b")
'attribute (list "align" "center"))
;; don't surround marked-up links with <a> </a>
(if (not links?)
ssdoc "a" 'tag ""))
(let ((t (gnc:make-html-table)))
;; we don't want a bevel for this table, but we don't want
;; that to propagate
t "table"
'attribute (list "border" 0)
'inheritable? #f)
(let* ((title (gnc:html-document-title doc))
(doc-headline (gnc:html-document-headline doc))
(headline (if (eq? doc-headline #f) title doc-headline)))
; set the header column to be the 2nd when we have a logo
; do this so that when logo is not present, the document
; is perfectly centered
(if (and logopixmap (> (string-length logopixmap) 0))
(set! headcolumn 1))
t 1 headcolumn
(if show-preparer?
;; title plus preparer info
(gnc:html-document-title doc))
(_ "Prepared by: ")
(gnc:html-markup-b preparer)
(_ "Prepared for: ")
(gnc:html-markup-b prepared-for)
(_ "Date: ")
(cons (current-time) 0)))
;; title only
(gnc:html-document-title doc)))))
(if (and logopixmap
(not (string=? logopixmap "")))
;; check for logo image file name non blank
t 0 0
(gnc:html-markup-img logopixmap))) )
(if (and headpixmap
(not (string=? headpixmap "")))
;; check for header image file name nonblank
t 0 headcolumn
;; XX: isn't there some way to apply the alignment to
;; (gnc:html-markup-img headpixmap)?
"<div align=\"" align "\">"
"<img src=\"" headpixmap "\">"
t 0 headcolumn
(gnc:make-html-text " ")))
t 2 headcolumn
(gnc:html-document-objects doc))
(if (and buttonpixmap
(not (string=? buttonpixmap "")))
t 2 headcolumn
(gnc:html-markup-img buttonpixmap))) )
(gnc:html-document-add-object! ssdoc t))
'version 1.01
'name (N_ "DWS")
'renderer dws-renderer
'options-generator dws-options)
(gnc:make-html-style-sheet "DWS" (N_ "DWS"))
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