Problems with Downloading Stock Prices

Richard Geddes rich.geddes at
Sun Oct 7 14:13:30 EDT 2007

How do I find the version of F::Q?

Derek Atkins wrote:
> Hmm.. Sounds like your F::Q is broken.  This works for me on my machine:
> gnc-fq-dump yahoo RHT AMD
> Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:
>    symbol: RHT                  <=== required
>  [snip]
> What version of F::Q?
> -derek
> Quoting Richard Geddes <rich.geddes at>:
>> Not sure if I have the correct syntax... here's the results:
>> ------------------
>> $0> gnc-fq-dump yahoo RHT AMD
>> No results found for stock RHT.
>> =====
>> No results found for stock AMD.
>> --------------------
>> Derek Atkins wrote:
>>> Richard Geddes <rich.geddes at> writes:
>>>> I've been using GNUCash 2.0.5 on Ubuntu 7.04 for the last several
>>>> months.  Set up some stock investments and would download the latest
>>>> stock prices with Tools -> Price Editor -> Get Quotes.  This worked ok
>>>> until about a week ago.  Now I get a message "There was an unknown
>>>> error
>>>> while retrieving the price quotes."
>>>> Can someone help me troubleshoot this problem?
>>> What happens if you run gnc-fq-dump manually?  Does it actually
>>> get your data?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Richard
>>>> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
>>>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
>>> -derek

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