problem in adding a placeholder stock account

Sunil Shetye shetye at
Wed Sep 12 08:47:08 EDT 2007

Quoting from Derek Atkins's mail on Wed, Sep 12, 2007:
> If it's a placeholder then just make it an Asset account, not a
> Stock account.   You cannot create a Stock or Mutual fund with
> a currency.

I had started off with "New Account Heirarchy...", so there is already
a Stock account of type Stock and currency USD. Now, I am trying to
add another Stock account parallel to this account. Here is how it
will look:

Account Name                   Type               Commodity
Assets                         Asset              USD
  Investments                  Asset              USD
    Brokerage Account          Bank               USD
      Mutual Fund              Mutual Fund        USD
      Mutual Fund Test         Asset              USD
      Stock                    Stock              USD
      Stock Test               Asset              USD

A bit confusing to me.

Another minor inconvenience is that when new subaccounts are added to
the "Stock Test" account, the account type has to be changed to
"Stock" *before* selecting the security.

Then, maybe, the "New Account Heirarchy..." needs to be corrected to
avoid confusion.

Sunil Shetye.

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