Average Balance report & reverse-balanced accounts

Daniel Smith dansbox at byu.edu
Sat Apr 12 16:23:58 EDT 2008

I've noticed some strange behavior when I try to create an Average  
Balance report using an account that has a reverse balance  
(Preferences->Accounts->Reverse Balanced Accounts).  The report does  
not seem to be aware of reverse balances.  As a result, the numbers it  
calculates for a running balance can be way off: the *initial* balance  
for the graph incorporates the reversal, while the *changes* in  
balance do not.

Here's an example:

Actual (Reversed) Account Balance:
Apr 1: 0.00
May 1: 0.00
Jun 1: 0.70
Jul 1: 1.05
Aug 1: 1.22

Reported Account Balance (Daily step size), 4/1-8/1:
Apr 1: 0.00
May 1: 0.00
Jun 1: -0.70
Jul 1: -1.05
Aug 1: -1.22

Reported Account Balance (Daily step size), 6/1-8/1:
Jun 1: 0.70
Jul 1: 0.35
Aug 1: 0.18

This is version 2.2.3.  An easy fix would be to ignore the reversed  
balance (start at -0.70).  A better fix would be to recognize when  
*all* the report's included accounts are reversed, and in that case  
reverse the graph.

Should I submit a bug report?

Incidentally, is there a better way to get my running account balance  
in graph form?  (A line graph would be ideal.)


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