What is "Expense: Adjustment"?

Richard Talley rich.talley at gmail.com
Wed Apr 16 12:19:25 EDT 2008

Yes, that's exactly how I use it. There are always some small cash
transactions during the month that I don't bother to record. I bring my cash
account into balance using the Adjustments account.

In general, an adjustments account is used to bring the books into balance
when you have a discrepancy that can't be properly assigned to any of your
normal accounts.

When I was still reconciling my checking account manually, if I couldn't
find the source of an error under one dollar in less than a few minutes, I'd
just enter an adjustment. It just wasn't worth the time involved.


On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 9:24 AM, Adam Funk <a24061 at ducksburg.com> wrote:

> On 2008-04-16, Gabriel A. Fouasnon wrote:
> > My version of GnuCash came pre-installed with a number of different
> > accounts, and one of them was an expense account called
> > "Adjustment." I don't really understand what purpose this account
> > was intended to serve. Anybody know?
> >
> > I searched the documentation and the archives, but was unable to find an
> explanation.
> I can't guarantee that this is the *right* answer, but I've been using
> that for what accounting books call (or used to call?) "cash short &
> over", to balance adjustments to cash.
> Every few weeks I compare my "Assets:Current:Cash GBP" account with my
> wallet; if gnucash says I have £59, but I really only have £50, I add
> a transaction to reduce the cash account by £9 and increase
> Expenses:Adjustment by £9.
> Can anyone confirm that this is the correct meaning of
> Expenses:Adjustment?
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