Serious reconciling problem after deleting an reconciled transaction

Tim Wunder tim at
Thu Aug 7 07:36:52 EDT 2008

On Wednesday 06 August 2008 10:59:01 pm Scott Simpson wrote:
> I had a transaction that was listed as $28.50. I reconciled it in the
> previous month. However, it was actually incorrect so I deleted it and
> entered $2850.00 instead (that is, I deleted a reconciled
> transaction). Now I can't reconcile my statement because my starting
> balance is incorrect and it won't allow me to edit the starting
> balance in the reconcile window. Additionally, I have no way of
> putting the $28.50 transaction back and setting it to reconcile 'y'
> since the UI won't allow me to change it that way. I wish I had never
> deleted it and gotten myself into this pickle.
> How is the starting balance computed and how can I fix this? Thank you.

I'd do a reconciliation from the current incorrect starting balance to the 
correct one, then resume normal reconciliation from that point.


Fedora Core release 6 (Zod), Linux
KDE: 3.5.8-1 Fedora
 07:35:02 up 22 days, 40 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.31, 0.22, 0.27
"It's what you learn after you know it all that counts" John Wooden
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