Serious reconciling problem after deleting an reconciled transaction

Scott Simpson simpson100 at
Thu Aug 7 13:47:53 EDT 2008

On Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 10:10 PM, John R. Carter, Sr. <john at> wrote:
> Try clicking on the 'y' for the current $2850.00 transaction and allow it to
> be unreconciled. Change it back to $28.50. Reconcile again. This should get
> you back to where you were.
> Then click on the 'y' for the $28.50 transaction and allow it to be
> unreconciled. Change it to $2850.00 and carefully also change both expense
> and income amounts. Reconcile again.

This doesn't work. Let's ignore the $2850 for a moment and just try to
replace the $28.50 reconciled transaction that I deleted. This $28.50
WAS on my statement (the bank added the difference on the next
statement). Now I ignore the current statement and try to reconcile
the old statement again. I give the same ending balance ($5675.82),
the same ending date, and I just want to convert the deleted $28.50
transaction back to 'y'. When I reconcile and click on the $28.50
transaction, then the reconciled balance is off by $28.50 (which tells
me that it IS NOT just adding up the register to display the
reconciled balance but rather storing the reconciled balance

I next tried uncompressing the GnuCash file, finding the deleted
transaction (which I have since readded) and then editing the state to
'y'. This too makes the reconciliation balance off by $28.50 doing the

Therefore, unless I can find the location where this "reconcilation
balance" is stored and edit that, I'm permanently stuck at being off

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