Coop Finances

Ian Smith-Heisters i at
Sun Aug 17 21:55:19 EDT 2008

That's pretty much what the business features would do too, AFAIK.

You would add a new customer for each tenant, then create an invoice
for each of them each month. Once the invoices post they would create
credits in Accounts Receivable. When payment is processed for the
customers/tenants, it would debit Accounts Receivable and credit an
income account.

The business features may add more complication than you really need,
particularly since the tenants don't really fit the customer model
very well: you're always invoicing them at the same time each month
for one item of the same price. I don't see that the invoicing
features would really get you much in this case.

On Sun, Aug 17, 2008 at 6:16 PM, Keith Bellairs <keith at> wrote:
> When rent is due set up a receivable (the tenant's debt):
> August 25 J. Smith Rent Receivable (Asset)     $100
>                             J Smith Rent Income (Income)            $100
> When the cheque is received, deposit it and credit the receivable:
> September 2 Deposit to bank (Asset)
>                    J Smith Cheque #123                  $100
>                    J Smith Rent Receivable                            $100
> The final result is $100 cash deposit and $100 income from J Smith. The
> receivable account is a temporary holding place while you wait for the money
> to come in.
> I don't use the business functions, so someone else will have to show how to
> hook that in.
> On Sun, Aug 17, 2008 at 7:50 PM, Stella-Terra Clemens <
> stellaterraclemens at> wrote:
>> Hello.
>> My name is Stella-Terra and I'm the finance coordinator for a small (~25
>> member) housing cooperative.  Right now we're using Quickbooks, but I'm
>> trying to make the case to switch to GNUCash, as I've enjoyed it so much
>> for
>> my personal finances and stand behind any free software/open source
>> endeavor.
>> As a demonstration I decided to start the books and model the last two
>> months of account activity in GNUCash.  Unfortunately, I've run into a spot
>> of trouble:
>> Every month on the 25th, the house charges each of it's members their rent
>> fee.  I can't figure out how to model this.  Essentially this is a landlord
>> tenant situation.  I want to be able to have one account per member (as
>> income accounts, I guess) and then have an account that houses their debt
>> (which I'm assuming is an asset) but then when they pay the house, it has
>> to
>> go into the checking account, so the debt keeps going up.  I'm confused
>> about how to properly model this relationship.
>> I tried to use the business functionality with the invoices, treating the
>> members as customers, but it seems too complicated, and I wasn't able to
>> figure out how to look at the situation from the accounts.
>> Anyway, thanks very much.
>> Stella-Terra
>> [Side request: is there a way to have the same amounts billed to the
>> members
>> every month?]
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