Funny currency exchanges?

Charles Day cedayiv at
Tue Aug 26 03:07:27 EDT 2008

On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 10:51 PM, musicman <datakid at> wrote:

> Hola,
> please find attached two pictures that do a better job of explaining than I
> can.
> other info:
> system: debian testing/"lenny"; fully up to date
> gnucash: 2.2.6
> Baiscally, the problem is:
> I have some accounts:
> Assets:Petty Cash: PC- AUD (Australian dollars)
> and
> Assets:Petty Cash:PC- IDR (indonedian rupiah)
> The title's indicating which Currency that each is in. The immediate
> parent account, Assets:Petty Cash is in AUD.
> When I do the data entry of ATM withdrawals, I can see how many Rupiah
> are withdrawn, and my Australian Bank account withdraws the equivalent
> from my bank account. So, I usually use the "to amount" option, rather
> than search down something more official or accurate - the rate the
> bank gives me is a fine indicator.
> What I am finding though, is that although my Assets:Bank Account is
> in AUD, and records the transaction faithfully, and the Assets:Petty
> Cash:PC- IDR records the transaction faithfully, when I look at the
> general accounts page, the far right column, "Total (AUD)" is reading
> the multi million rupiah column as AUD not as IDR.
> Meaning that, despite all my wishes for it to be the truth, my
> "current assests" total is in the realm of
> AUD$128,740,000,000 (128 billion dollars, lols. I _would not_ be doing
> the books if I had that much money).

It appears that your most recent price is wrong. Your screenshot shows that
as of August 25, 2008 1 IDR costs more than 7750 AUD.  Looks like it ought
to be the other way around. Perhaps "down under" the dunny isn't the only
thing that spins backwards? :)  The other prices look better.

If you correct that price, the totals should return to Earth.

> Then warlord (in ) gave me advice to look at my
> price editor in gnucash, and it has a bunch of funny prices (which
> have all been entered using the dialogue box/"to amount" method.
> The gnucash docs seem to be quite pretty, but my "price" column has
> numbers like:
> 0+28729/250000000 or 0+4419099921/38199842000000 (which is my personal
> favourite).

This is a recently uncovered bug due to decimal rounding being
unintentionally applied to fractions. Now that the price editor allows
fractional display, we can see the bug, which has probably been lying
dormant for years. Thankfully, the numbers you see is just a display
problem; if you select a row and click the Edit button, the correct price
should be shown.

This has already been fixed for 2.2.7.

> Am I doing something wrong?
> cheers
> L.
> --
> I am a rock, I am an "archipelago of the informal"


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