Windows 2.2.6 Currency Updates

Housemartins sjmart1uk at
Sun Aug 31 05:52:28 EDT 2008

>From the Wiki wrote:
> Q: How do I fix a system error when getting stock quotes?
>     A: Try the steps below. After each step, run gnucash and see if that
> solution resolved the problem of retrieving stock quotes. 
>        1. Make sure you're running Finance::Quote 1.11 version or later.
> Earlier versions can no longer retrieve currency quotes.
>        2. Run the command gnc-fq-check from the command line. The output
> should look like ("1.11" "tsp" "vwd" .....). If it doesn't follow the
> directions to install any missing libraries.
>        3. Run the command echo '(yahoo "CSCO")' | gnc-fq-helper from the
> command line. You should get something that looks like (("CSCO" (symbol .
> "CSCO") ..... (currency . "USD"))). If you get an error message about a
> missing file instead, that's your problem. This is a dependency that
> gnucash doesn't know about and so doesn't check for it. You will need to
> satisfy the missing dependency.
>               But usually, it helps to run gnc-fq-update as root. 
>        4. Run gnucash from the command line with the -debug argument,
> attempt a quote retrieval, and then contact the developers either via
> email or on IRC. 

2.  Gives:
("1.08" "australia" "dutch" "troweprice_direct" "dwsfunds" "fidelity"
ual" "vanguard" "yahoo_europe" "asx" "canada" "amfiindia" "fundlibrary"
 "nasdaq" "yahoo" "asia" "vwd" "troweprice" "fidelity_direct"

Note the 1.08.

3. Gives:
The process tried to write to a nonexistent pipe.

4. GnuCash doesn't run, no output/reason provided.  Does this option work
for Windoze ???
(NB:  If is leave off the "-debug" it runs, so I know that I've invoking it
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