Strange Error Message: "Scheduled Transactions with variables cannot be automatically created."

Brian M. Sutin gnucash at
Thu Dec 4 22:33:50 EST 2008

The actual code line reads:

   if (((ttVarCount > 0) || multi_commodity) && autocreateState) {
           _("Scheduled Transactions with variables "
          "cannot be automatically created."));

so this error message is even worse than I thought.  You can get it after using
variables (whatever those are) as well as having a multi_commodity (whatever
that is).  I am not mixing commodities either.  I suppose at this point I need
to start recompiling the code with debug statements?


On Wed, Dec 03, 2008 at 10:16:17PM -0500, Josh Sled wrote:
> "Brian M. Sutin" <gnucash at> writes:
> > When I try to save a new scheduled transaction
> > or modify a previous scheduled transaction, I get a pop-up that says:
> >
> >   Scheduled Transactions with variables cannot be automatically created.
> >
> > The first problem with this message is that it is completely uninformative.
> > For even simple transactions that just move a fixed amount from one account
> > to another, I get this message.  How do I fix this?  At the moment I am
> > unable to create or modify my scheduled transactions.
> "automatically created" refers to the "create automatically" checkbox
> being selected. The rest refers to that condition being true while the
> code believes that there is a variable in the credit/debit cells of the
> template transaction. Variables are usually text strings, but it might
> be the case that excess whitespace or some other character ('$',
> perhaps?) is erroneously treated as a variable.
> Double check the contents of the debit/credit cells of the template
> transaction to make sure they're just numeric values and the
> locale-appropriate decimal separator.
> (Sorry the error message isn't more accessible.)
> -- 
> ...jsled
> - a=jsled;; echo ${a}@${b}

Brian M. Sutin, Ph.D.     Space System Engineering and Optical Design
Skewray Research/316 W Green St/Claremont CA 91711 USA/(909) 621-3122

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