Matching transactions

Marcus Wolschon Marcus at
Tue Dec 23 13:46:41 EST 2008

2008/12/23, Derek Atkins <warlord at>:
> It depends on which importer, QIF or OFX.  They work differently,
> and you don't mention which one you're using.
> The QIF importer matches full strings.
> The OFX importer is configurable; it can work on full strings or
> it can work on substrings (if you configure Bayesian style matching).

Are there plans to merge these?
If you want some input on how to improve it:
Allowing the combination of regexp+user-scripting
proved to be extremely flexible and powerfull
here. (e.g. split payment for taxes or insurances
according to the contracts/liabilities mentioned in
the freeform-text imported from the bank.)
I cannot help with such a task in C/C++ but
would be more then happy to provide feedback
from practical expecience.


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