Problems getting quotes for funds
David Reiser
dbreiser at
Thu Feb 14 22:54:31 EST 2008
If you can find the folder containing the finance-quote modules, you
could apply the attached patch, and it should work as long as you
don't have any quote retrievals pointed at Yahoo USA (Yahoo Asia and
Australia might also be a problem -- I haven't tested). On my mac
they're in a folder something like: perl5/5.8.8/Finance/Quote/Yahoo/ and There are only 3 changes, so you could hand
edit pretty easily too. Then use the isin+country code for the ticker.
dbr$ gnc-fq-dump yahoo_europe IT0003110860ITA
Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:
symbol: IT0003110860ITA <=== required
date: 02/12/2008 <=== required
currency: EUR <=== required
last: 3.74 <=\
nav: <=== one of these
price: 3.74 <=/
timezone: <=== optional
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On Feb 13, 2008, at 3:40 AM, Richard Ullger wrote:
> Dave,
> Is there a quick fix I can apply locally on my system? I'm running
> version 2.2.3 on Windows XP.
> Richard.
> ________________ Reply Header ________________
> Subject: Re: Problems getting quotes for funds
> Author: David Reiser <dbreiser at>
> Date: 12th February 2008 9:43:05 pm
> Wheee. Yahoo is definitely messing with their quote system. If you go
> to any of the Yahoo European sites, get a quote by whichever naming
> convention will post something on the screen, then point your mouse at
> the "Download Data" link. You can inspect the url that it's pointing
> to, for example:
> and the results (two .csv files that shows up on my mac as Excel
> files):
> GB0003243465GBP,87.31,12:00PM,02/11/2008,-2.13,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A
> IT0003110860ITA,3.70,12:00PM,02/08/2008,-0.01,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A
> You can also get the Italian fund quote from
> In finance::quote, the yahoo base .pm asks for everything it knows
> about via the &f field, including currency (&f=...c4, I think). The US
> Yahoo site still points with &f=sl1d1t1c1ohgv&e=.csv -- the key
> difference being that the US site asks for a date (d1) and a time
> (t1), whereas the European sites now only ask for a timespec (t1)
> which returns a comma separated time, date (2 fields responding to one
> field request, and in the opposite order from the one used in the old
> system!!!, and a US style date!!!!!!!).
> So, I can get gnc-fq-dump to work with the hybrid isin+currency symbol
> by adding the "old" into the url spec in and by mucking with
> the to deal with the timespec problem. But that breaks
> retrieving quotes from Yahoo US because none of the US quotes have a
> date any more. It looks like finance::quote needs to split the Yahoo
> realm. Or we need to wait for Yahoo to change the US site to match the
> rest of the world. Of course, by that time the
> will likely have been renamed again.
> Sorry if this is more tech than gnucash-user expects. This is where
> the thread was.
> Dave
> On Feb 12, 2008, at 5:59 PM, Richard Ullger wrote:
>> This issue has just been raised in another thread.
>> When you do a symbol lookup on yahoo now it returns a symbol made up
>> of
>> the isin code and iso currency code, such as GB0003243465GBP, whereas
>> before it returned a symbol such as MFEXPG.L. Even Yahoo's site
>> complains, if you display the page for the fund, the area that
>> displayed
>> the chart now displays the text 'Invalid Ticker'.
>> Regards,
>> Richard.
>> Derek Atkins wrote:
>>> The command was renamed to gnc-fq-dump. Using your example:
>>> gnc-fq-dump yahoo MFEXPG.L
>>> Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:
>>> symbol: MFEXPG.L <=== required
>>> date: ** missing ** <=== required
>>> currency: ** missing ** <=== required
>>> last: 0.00 <=\
>>> nav: <=== one of these
>>> price: <=/
>>> timezone: <=== optional
>>> ** This stock quote cannot be used by gnucash!!
>>> Maybe Yahoo changed their site and F::Q can't parse it?
>>> -derek
>>> Quoting Paul Stansell <ps at>:
>>>> Hello everyone,
>>>> I wondered if anyone could shed light on any recent changes which
>>>> may have
>>>> stopped the "Tools: Price Editor: Get Quotes" for Funds from
>>>> working in
>>>> gnucash-2.2.3.
>>>> Shortly after 29th Jan 2008 the automatic price retrievals started
>>>> failing
>>>> for all my funds.
>>>> The error message is, for example,
>>>> Unable to retrieve quote for these items: FUND MFEXPG.L
>>>> where MFEXPG.L is an example of a fund symbol that used to work
>>>> okay with
>>>> "Tool: Security Editor: Fund: Type of quote source" set to "Single:
>>>> Yahoo". I've tried changing settings to other sources, but with
>>>> no luck.
>>>> I've also tried changing the fund symbol, for example, using
>>>> GB0003243465GBP, but that did help either.
>>>> If I choose "Yahoo Europe" I get the error message "There was an
>>>> unknown
>>>> error while retrieving the price quotes."
>>>> In the days of gnucash-1.8.12-0.fc4 there used to be a perl script
>>>> called
>>>> dump-finance-quote which could be run on the command line, eg,
>>>> dump-finance-quote yahoo MFEXPG.L
>>>> I tried running this command on an old fedora4 system, but it no-
>>>> longer
>>>> works either, or at least, not for this fund symbol for which it
>>>> used to
>>>> work.
>>>> Thanks for your help,
>>>> Paul Stansell
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> --
> David Reiser
> dbreiser at
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dbreiser at
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