Credit notes?

Roland Giesler roland at
Thu Feb 28 10:45:20 EST 2008

Before I finally give up on GNUCash (and believe me I didn't really
want to, I really want this app to work properly), I would like to
check with you all.

Is there still no way to create the opposite of an invoice, ie a
credit note?  No, it is not acceptable to correct the amounts with the
next invoice or some other kludge like that.  It would be acceptable
to have a negative amount / qty of items on an invoice, but that is
not allowed either.

How is it possible that anyone can use this system as a business tools
without having  the facility to credit a client for something that was
invoiced before?   It's actually imho a really basic requirement.

Comments please?

Roland Giesler
+27 (0)72-450-2817

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