Credit notes?

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Thu Feb 28 12:13:59 EST 2008


A simple workaround at the moment is to just use "Process Payment" as
the credit-memo.

I'll note that this is NOT "really basic requirement", as I've run
my business off this code since 2002 and I've never needed it.  And,
well, I wrote the code to scratch my own itch.  Patches are always


Quoting Roland Giesler <roland at>:

> Before I finally give up on GNUCash (and believe me I didn't really
> want to, I really want this app to work properly), I would like to
> check with you all.
> Is there still no way to create the opposite of an invoice, ie a
> credit note?  No, it is not acceptable to correct the amounts with the
> next invoice or some other kludge like that.  It would be acceptable
> to have a negative amount / qty of items on an invoice, but that is
> not allowed either.
> How is it possible that anyone can use this system as a business tools
> without having  the facility to credit a client for something that was
> invoiced before?   It's actually imho a really basic requirement.
> Comments please?
> --
> Roland Giesler
> +27 (0)72-450-2817
> Disclaimer: The sender invokes the rule of "exemptus responsiblius"
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> the addressed party, unless conditions contrary to the aforementioned
> exist, in which case it is pertinent.  Reduce without further ado to
> nothingness said impartation; alternatively "do not traverse the point
> of origination, be not enriched by 200 Randus and proceed without
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       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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