gnucash crashes on open due to missing custom report

Jeff Hinrichs - DM&T jeffh at
Sun Jan 6 10:42:03 EST 2008

I just encountered the following situation and want to know if I
should file a bug?

1) create a custom report, save it, close gnucash **with the report open**
2) edit saved-reports-2.0 and remove the custom report definition
3) start gnucash and watch it die

If gnucash tries to open a missing custom report (listed in
~/.gnucash/books/ ) that doesn't exist in saved-reports-2.0 it dies.
(leaving locks in place)

expected results: gnucash should allow for not being able to open a
listed report window when opening a custom report.  Especially in
light of the fact that the end user needs to manually edit
saved-reports-2.0 to remove a custom report -- saved-reports should be
treated more cautiously,  if the state file lists a state that gnucash
can't restore, it should report it then ignore that specific state and
move to the next.

Jeff Hinrichs
Dundee Media & Technology, Inc
jeffh at

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