credit card qif import

Michael DeBusk michael at
Wed Jun 4 19:12:35 EDT 2008

Quoting Charles Day <cedayiv at>:

> One way to get "05-16-08 OUTBACK #xyz mytown NJ auth# 123456" into the
> register's Description field is to simply delete the "PPURCHASE" line.

If I were in his shoes, that would be less than satisfactory. I'd have  
to add each payee by hand in gnucash. If I'm going to do that much, I  
may as well not import the qif in the first place.

> It doesn't seem like "PURCHASE" is a useful piece of information to  
> bring into
> GnuCash anyway.

True. Makes me wonder what (or if) the credit card company is thinking.

> Another option is to simply switch "P" and "M", giving you "P05-16-08
> OUTBACK #xyz mytown NJ auth# 123456" and "MPURCHASE". This would
> put the OUTBACK stuff in Description, and "PURCHASE" in Notes (which is
> viewable only in double-line mode).

I'd combine your two suggestions: Delete the payee line and convert  
the memo line to a payee line. A decent text editor should be able to  
do that, as should sed if the OP has it available.

I download my Citibank info in qif format when I have a little  
downtime at work and open it in a text editor. I like to convert  
uppercase to mixed case for readability, add an "L" (category/class)  
line to each transaction, and delete the memo line (which always says  
"MStandard Purch"). One of these days I may automate the process with  
a script.

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