what is .aba format

James McDonald james at jamesmcdonald.id.au
Fri Jun 6 03:36:12 EDT 2008

Brendan Simon wrote:
> Does anyone know what .aba format is?
> My bank (in Australia) offers access for business banking via accounting 
> software that support the .aba format.  MYOB and Quicken are given examples.
> I've never heard of this format before.
It's used to make multiple payments from your bank account to x number 
of target accounts. If you just want to import transactions into GNUCash 
then the normal csv or qif formats work fine but they don't actually 
allow you to make payments as far as I'm aware.
> Is it Australian specific?
The Australian Bankers Association http://www.bankers.asn.au/ hence ABA.
> Is it commonly used?
Most business banking interfaces support it. e.g. ANZ Online.

For example if you have to pay your suppliers it's easier to do the 
payment run in your ERP/Accounting software which spits out an aba file 
with all the to and from account details and amounts then load it up 
into your Business banking interface and you're done. Most Aussie 
Payroll software will output an ABA file to pay all your employees too.

> Does gnucash support it?
Not that I know of
> Thanks, Brendan.
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