Splitting things with roommate

elysian elysiansmiles at gmail.com
Tue Jun 17 11:03:38 EDT 2008

I'm sorry if this is a silly question, I've never posted on anything before
and I'm not even that familiar with accounting software.  Specs: I use GC
for personal finance, running GC 2.2.5, Windows XP

I've recently moved in with someone and there are a lot of purchases that we
split the cost of (food, rent, utilities, furniture, insurance...).  Every
once a week or so we sit down and figure out who payed for what and even
things out.
I would love to be able to keep track of these in GnuCash, but I haven't
found the best way yet. 
What I would really like to do is to add some kind of query to my register
where I can indicate somehow that this purchase is one that we should split,
and then be able to run a report or something that would total them all up
and make them look nice for me to figure things out.

What he is currently doing (we both use gc) is making all of the things
split transactions and splitting them into a "Personal Loans" catergory. 
I've been just taking whatever money he ends up giving me and putting it
into a catch-all "Income:Reimbursements" category, but I don't find this to
be very efficient or informative.

Is there a better way to do this?  

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