Stocks and Balancing Accounts

Mike Alexander mta at
Wed Jun 18 13:04:17 EDT 2008

--On June 18, 2008 5:47:43 PM +0200 Daniel Carrera 
<daniel.carrera at> wrote:

> There is a 1-to-1 mapping between what GnuCash currently does and the
> Currency:XYZ system. If I convert 1.52 USD to 1.00 EUR with the
> current  system, it is perfectly conceivable that an automated
> process would turn  this into the split transaction method which goes
> through Currency::USD  and Currency::EUR. Ditto for going the other
> way.

If you turn on the new option I've added, this is what happens 
(although the names of the trading accounts are different).  If you 
scrub multiple commodity transactions while this option is on then the 
trading splits will be added to them if necessary (or adjusted if they 
exist but don't balance).  This means you can convert an existing file 
to the new way of doing things automatically.

Mike Alexander           mta at
Ann Arbor, MI            PGP key ID: BEA343A6

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