transaction dates + times

Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz gnucash at
Fri Jun 20 06:55:27 EDT 2008

On Fri, 20 Jun 2008 01:50:17 +0200
"Frank H. Ellenberger" <f.ellenberger at> wrote:

> Hi,
> Am Donnerstag, 19. Juni 2008 17:13:18 schrieb Tarlika Elisabeth
> Schmitz:
> > I make a lot of transfers between my own bank accounts. Transfers
> > take X working days (X varies depending on banks involved). As a
> > result, the balance in the receiving account will not be correct
> > until the date the funds arrive. This can be very confusing and the
> > utmost care is required when scheduling payments from that account
> > or trying to figure out available funds on certain days. However, I
> > am not aware of any accounting system that could resolve this
> > problem.
> I think, a clean solution is, to go over an interim account
> assets:money transfer:
> starting date: bank account A -> money transfer
> arriving date: money transfer -> bank account B

I considered this solution, too, but then I had second thoughts because
then I would not be able to search for transactions between account A
and B.

Maybe if and when we have an SQL-based datastore for GnuCash this would
be the way to go because then you could search for transaction pairs
using SQL.


Best Regards,

Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz

A: Because it breaks the logical sequence of discussion
Q: Why is top posting bad? 

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