Privacy and passwords

Keith A. Milner kamilner at
Mon Mar 3 18:33:59 EST 2008

On Sunday 02 March 2008 21:00:43 Robert Heller wrote:
> This is fact a 'wrong thing to do' and only happens because people
> became 'used' to the non-existent security of MacOS Classic and Win
> 3.11/Win 9X.  With Win2K, WinXP, WinVista, Linux, and MacOSX, there
> really is NO reason to have separate login accounts for mom, pop, the
> kids and and their friends.#

I'me guessing here you meant to say "there really is NO reason *NOT* to have 
separate login accounts for mom, pop, the kids and and their friends".

...and this is absolutely correct.

If someone cannot even do something as simple as set up different login 
accounts for their sensitive data then they haven't got a clue about security 
and "the real world".

Botttom line is: security is YOUR responsibility whether you're using Gnucash, 
MS Money, or Quicken, or Excel. Modern computers have the facilities built in 
to provide some of this security, and it's not difficult to do. There's a 
number of good adjectives which accurately describe anyone who doesn't use 
these facilities. One of the kinder ones I can think of is "lazy".

Keith Milner

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