"Close Book" tool

Fred Bone Fred.Bone at dial.pipex.com
Wed Mar 5 05:30:44 EST 2008

I've just experimented with the "Close Book" tool, new with 2.2.4.

I chose to close at year-end (2007-12-31), but left the target accounts 
as the default "Equity".

All my Income is in GBP, but I have expenditure in EUR and CHF as well. I 
was not surprised to find it had created "Equity:CHF" and "Equity:EUR", 
but I was surprised to find "Equity:GBP", and even more so to find that 
whereas all the GBP Expenditure had been assigned there, all the Income 
had gone to plain "Equity" - which is a placeholder.

This may reflect the order in which things are done (i.e. the tool may 
have done the income before finding that expenditure needed to be split). 
It's not a problem as such - I'm experimenting at this stage, and can 
easily create suitable sub-accounts when I do it for real.

Any comments, from anyone who knows how things "should be done"? In 
particular, any reason *not* to put the Income to the same equity sub-
account as the (GBP) Expenditure?

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