gnucash records badly messed up

Ian Lewis ianmlewis at
Mon Mar 24 00:07:48 EDT 2008


2008/3/24, Ross Boylan <RossBoylan at>:
> I would appreciate any help in restoring things to sanity, or in
> understanding what is going on.  In particular, I don't really
> understand what role the xac, log, LCK and LNK files play.  I have
> backups, but I'm not sure what files I should restore and which to
> delete.

The xac files are the gnucash backup files. They are in the same format as
your gnucash file.
The log files are written out as your work and from what I gather are mainly
used for recovering work after a crash (using File->Import).
I'm not familiar with the lck or lnk files.

I have work that I did after the last point I know things were good, so
> simply turning back the clock is not a full solution.  Also, my strategy
> while I was traveling was to backup on my home computer after mirroring
> to it (in the funky way described above) from the laptop on which I was
> working.

The only thing I could suggest is that you take better care with your
financial data and not put yourself in a situation where you have to merge
files. Maybe put it on a flash drive and use portable gnucash?


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