Reconciliation window: closing balance distorted and reconciliation date

James Kerr jim at
Fri May 2 05:27:31 EDT 2008

On Friday 02 May 2008, Jannick Asmus wrote:
> Hi,
> the following problems occur after opening the reconciliation window:
> 1. Closing balance inappropriate when reconciliation date is before date
> of advanced transactions already reconciled:

I always type in the closing balance from the bank statement. I think that's 
what you're supposed to do. There will often be a difference between the 
date transactions are recorded by the bank and the date you record them in 

> 2. The default date is not the current date - _sometimes_. Does GC store
> the date when it was manually changed? If so how can GC "forget" this
> information?

In my experience it assumes that the statement date is one month on from the 
date of the last statement. (This will not always be the case, depending on 
how your bank deals with weekends and holidays etc.) It only uses the 
current date if the next "due" date is later than the current date.


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