similar sets of accounts

Maf. King maf at
Tue May 6 10:54:02 EDT 2008

On Tuesday 06 May 2008, Jannick Asmus wrote:

> >>
> >> Customized reports are stored in /.gnucash/saved-reports-2.0 - together
> >> with the selected accounts. But I am not sure whether you mean that by
> >> "custom reports".
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > Jannick - you shouldn't be saving your data under ~/.gnucash  - that is
> > something which could lead to your data being lost (although, I'm
> > uncertain form what you have written that you are!).
> Hi,
> oh I was not very clear here. What I wanted to say was that the template
>   or rather the code of the templates is saved in saved-reports-2.0.
> Certainly the reports themselves are stored in another folder regularly
> backed-up.

Hi again!

Now I'm confused. What gets backed up?  

"Custom" Report options are stored in ~/.gnucash/saved-reports-2.0, which is 
used to create entries under Reports->Custom.  When you run a custom report, 
(either when you click the menu item, or start GC, or do a "refresh" in the 
report's own tab) The options are read in and applied to the base report. 
(this is all "as I understand it")

Reports are not "stored", either in ~/.gnucash/ or the datafile.  Or do you 
mean the reports you have run and exported as html/pdf/whatever?


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