wondering if gnucash is suitable for this task. Advice?

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at mtdata.com
Fri Oct 3 07:11:09 EDT 2008

>Hi. I'm a financial agent for a political party riding association. I do just 
>this with Gnucash.
>What I do is create, under income, an account called contributions. Under 
>contributions I create individual accounts for every contributor. When I get 
>a contribution, I allocate it to that contributor.
>Now, when I do a cash report, I can see at a glance the total amount donated 
>by each contributor. If I click on an individual contributor in the cash flow 
>report, I can see when they made a particular contribution.
And, if you are a 501c3, you would have TWO sub accounts under 
"contributions", one for those donors who are considered "general 
public" and one for those who are considered "disqualified" (insiders 
like board members/officers and "fat cats" -- because you need to be 
able to report what percentage of support comes from "general public").

No facility for automatic generation of acknowledgment letters but hey, 
a GOOD system of that sort needs to be able to have all sorts of 
parameters if it is to do a good job (you don't want a system that 
mindlessly sends a "small donor form letter" to somebody who made a 
MAJOR donation -- or shouldn't want that).

Michael D Novack

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