New specification for Canadian cheques

Dave Reiser dbreiser at
Mon Sep 8 16:58:18 EDT 2008

Mike or Penny Novack wrote:
> Maybe I can help?
> I don't use the check writing function and have no idea what its 
> capabilities actually are but I suspect form both the questions and 
> answers I am seeing here that there might be some confusion.
> The required TEXT DATA strings "date" and "yyyymmdd" have nothing to do 
> with the date and how that is formatted. So the questions in this case 
> should be (as far as meeting Canadian check requirements)

Well, the "yyyymmdd" _does_ have something to do with how the date is 
formatted! The string must match the date format as it is printed. And 
checking the box in Preferences that both Derek and I have mentioned 
will result in the text string "yyyymmdd" (or other as appropriate to 
your chosen date format) will appear on the check immediately below 
wherever the date is printed. Set the box in preferences, then print a 
check. You will see something like
on the check. I do believe one needs to be using a recent enough version 
of gtk so that gtk-print is working. But certainly FC9 has that.

As for the string "DATE", that has appeared on every preprinted check 
I've ever purchased. And it usually tells you where to specify that the 
date be printed. However, if that string does not appear on the check 
stock, then one can use Appendix D of the Tutorial and Concepts guide to 
determine how to customize one's choice of check printing format so the 
extra text string does appear.

> 1) Can GnuCash put the date DATA into the format yyyymmdd and print that 
> in the appropriate date position on the check? You would look for THIS 
> capability where date formatting is found.
> 2) Can GnuCash put arbitrary CONSTANT text data at locations which you 
> can specify? You would look for how to do THIS where it gives you the 
> options to specify things like , company name/address, logos, sayings 
> and slogans or other decorative stuff on checks, etc.
>    The fact that in this case the texts are the strings "date" and 
> "yyyymmdd" are irrelevant -- in other words, that these have something 
> to do with Canadian legal requirements with regard to how dates appear 
> on checks not relvant. As far as HOW you specify arbitrary text 
> appearing on checks those strings might as well be "etad" and 
> "mobyduck". As far as GnuCash check writing is concerned these are 
> CONSTANTS of the background of a check. I would NOT expect to find how 
> to do that described anywhere near the instructions about how to specify 
> the format for check date.
> Michael
>> I know what he is saying, and I'm saying that GnuCash *does* do this,
>> at least according to that preference tooltip.  That preference's
>> tooltip says:  "Below the actual date, print the format of that
>> date in 8 point type".  I don't know about you, but this sounds
>> exactly what Paul is asking for.
>>> Exactly what this is supposed to accomplish is beyond me, and I really
>>> believe it is an issue for the printers of blank check stationery, but
>>> if I read the post correctly it's not an issue that can be addresses
>>> by the current Gnucash.
>> Yes, it's a stupid rule.  It's there to differentiate between different
>> date formats, because they could have y-m-d or y-d-m (I'm guessing).
>> But Gnucash does it.
>> What it DOESN'T do is output the string "DATE" before putting the
>> date in there.
>>> Ron Morse
>>>>> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
>>>>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
>> -derek

David Reiser
dbreiser at

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