GnuCash on Windows XP

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at
Tue Sep 30 08:13:56 EDT 2008

>yes, use an old laptop, put a linux of suitable type for the processor on it - 
>there are some very lean distros out there and use gnucash.
Try to avoid operating system "politics".

The question in this case was about ORGANIZATIONAL use, not personal 
use. It is for that very reason that I (and experienced "techie" who 
would have no problems running GnuCash under a 'nxi) did NOT consider 
that in my evaluation presented to our organization. Willingness to 
learn a new operating system should not be among the qualifications for 
running for the office of treasurer of the organization. In my case, I 
won't be treasurer forever (and in fact, because of our bylaws, will 
soon have to leave the board for at least one term).


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