Balance Sheet & VTSMX

Charles Day cedayiv at
Tue Sep 30 14:29:12 EDT 2008

On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 10:56 AM, Hurford, Frederick William <
frederick.hurford at> wrote:

>  The source is Yahoo.  On the securities list prices come up for all my
> Vanguard funds.

What is the "price source" setting in your balance sheet report's options?
(Run the balance sheet, then click the Options button on the toolbar and
look in the Commodities tab.) If you have correct prices in the Price
Editor, then running with a "most recent" price source should get non-zero
results. However, if you are running with an "average cost" or "weighted
average" price source and get a zero price then you may have some problems
with your transaction data.

Also, do you use multiple currencies?

P.S. To show the prices used to compute your balance sheet, click the "Show
Exchange Rates" option on the Commodities tab. The prices will appear at the
bottom of the report, which is sometimes helpful.


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