Import bank transactions and mark bill as paid?
Remi Christiaan Cool
moreloci at
Thu Apr 23 14:39:05 EDT 2009
Derek Atkins schreef:
> Hi,
> Remi Christiaan Cool <moreloci at> writes:
>> When I import a MD940 file from my bank ... the items are imported and
>> booked ok, but I'm not able to manually set a bill to payed. The only
>> way as far as I have discovered is to first pay the bill so a record
>> exists and then select that record during the import procedure
>> (R). Paying the bill when the import window is open, doesn't work, the
>> entry doesn't show up. That's stupid because for that I have to
>> examine my bankaccount first, make bookings manually and that's what I
>> want to prevent. Another thing is that if you select a preexisting
>> record in the import window, the data from the import is not used in
>> the description/memo fields, the old entry remains unchanged.
>> So is there a way to just mark a bill as payed or is there some other
>> trick to make it work ... put a unique code somewhere so that bills
>> are recognized somehow?
> No. You need to use Process Payment.
> That's the only way to pay an invoice or bill.
Hmm, ok that's not what I hoped for, but it's clear. I don't know what
the design philosophy is for GNUCash... but to me it's logical that if
you can automate transactions by importing them, you can also pay bills
or receive invoices in the same run. A simple checkbox to set the bill
or invoice to paid would also do the trick for me ... if it would be
incorporated in the import wizzard so that you can select the bills or
invoices that are paid during the import procedure would be awesome ;)
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