Account columns other than Total do not total subaccounts?

subscribe307 at subscribe307 at
Mon Apr 20 17:27:44 EDT 2009

It seems that when I add the "Present" column to the main account view,
the total next to an account does not include the entries from its
subaccounts?  Changing the accounting period under Preferences only
seems to affect the "Grand Total" at the bottom of the window.  Is this
the intended behavior?  Can I change some setting to force gnucash to
total up subaccounts in the main window for all columns?

I see that this question was asked last year and I have the same issue. I see that cash totals of the 
subaccounts are included in in the summary account but not the total asset value for asset accounts. Is there some
way to get summary account totals?  Without the ability to see totals, subaccounts are not useful for assets which I need
for multiple brokerage accounts. 

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