Question about Gnucash tutorial

jomali jomali3945 at
Tue Aug 11 08:29:31 EDT 2009

On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 8:04 AM, Tim T. <tim.timmerman at> wrote:

> Hi,
>  I'm working through the GnuCash tutorial (for Gnucash 2.2.6, Ubuntu),
> and I'm stumbling on the Split Transaction in 4.2.2.

Update to the latest stable version of GnuCash (2.2.9)

>  Basically, I can't enter it as shown.
>  What I can do, following the instructions:
>  - Select the line, press split
>  - Enter the Employer's are us
>  - Enter the federal Tax ( entering 180 in the Deposit column)
>  And then I run out of lines ;-)

You never run out of lines.  There is always one more blank line until you
hit Enter.

>  Pressing return or tab moves the amount of 180 to the Withdrawal
> column, with an Account "Imbalance".

Never press Enter until you have entered all splits for a transaction - use
the arrow keys or tab to go to the next split line.

If the Imbalance line shows up, edit the account to whatever you want, edit
the amount to whatever is appropriate for that account, and press tab

> - What am I doing wrong ? How do I get more lines to input my split ?
>  (Or is the tutorial outdated ? )
> Thanks,
>  TimT.
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