Equity Question

ooby carnmightyhawks at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 18 02:49:20 EDT 2009

Hi All,
I'm new to this so possibly this is a really stupid question.  I have set up all
my accounts etc.  I have an Equity account with a sub-account called Opening
Balance with $500 in it (this is an example).  The $500 is from a few different
Asset Accounts.

I went and entered that I paid my Credit Card of $200 from one of my Asset
Accounts.  The Asset accounts now show that I have $300 but the Equity account
has changed at all, it still shows $500, the original amount.

My understanding of this is that the Equity should also show $300.
If I open the Equity account it shows the opening balances and isn't reflecting
that one of the Asset accounts is now minus $200

I have reconciled everything as well

Am I missing something or not getting it?



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