Startup time

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at
Wed Aug 19 07:50:27 EDT 2009

>Unfortunately, there are situations where the only way a user can retain a report is to leave it open from session to session. The last I heard, multicolumn reports fall into this category.
I'm not completely sure I understand that -- might well be an issue 
about how reports are being USED. Could somebody who does this try to 
explain how/why except during the fairly short time period (hopefully) 
between the first trial run of a report and the final version you would 
want a report to remain open? To me "open" means "could be changed" and 
once the final version of a report exists it shouldn't be changed -- 
just as the books should be considered "closed" for that time period. Is 
this perhaps a difference between those of us who are following standard 
accounting procedures like not making "corrections" except by a later 
correction entry and those who because "well, just personal books" 
follow more lax procedures?

In my case, once a report is "complete" I export it to a "reports" 
directory. No need for it to exist any longer within GnuCash. If some of 
you are using reports in a different manner please try to explain how 
you are using them so we can give attention to the problem.


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