Help with install

Lenore Horner LenoreHorner at
Thu Aug 20 14:23:27 EDT 2009

On Aug 20, 2009, at 12:34 , Charles Day wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 6:37 AM, Meghan Lefferts
> <meghan.lefferts at>wrote:
>> Hi all-
>> I am fairly new to macs, I've had mine about a year but haven't had  
>> much of
>> a chance to play with it much. I was trying to install v2.2.0  
>> following the
>> Macports wiki instructions (I have an intel mac 10.4). I installed  
>> macports,
>> ran "sudo port selfupdate", ran "sudo port install gnucash" and  
>> waited for
>> it to finish. Once it did I opened xterm and ran "gnucash" and got  
>> this
>> error: "bash: gnucash: command not found".  Any ideas as to what  
>> went wrong?
>> Thanks!
> I assume you mean v2.2.9 and not 2.2.0. You probably just need to  
> specify
> the full path to the gnucash executable. Something like
> /opt/local/bin/gnucash perhaps? I only use macports to build the
> dependencies, so I'm not completely sure.
Gwenhywfar doesn't work, but that affects aqbanking not gnucash as a  

What version of Macports did you use?  If it was somehow 1.6, then  
there's a bug in the installation that didn't set up your paths  
correctly.  At any rate, it seems your paths aren't set up.  Here's  
the relevant part from
You will need to manually adapt your shell's environment to work with  
MacPorts and your chosen installation prefix (the value passed to  
configure's --prefix flag, defaulting to /opt/local):

Add ${prefix}/bin and ${prefix}/sbin to the start of your PATH  
environment variable so that MacPorts-installed programs take  
precedence over system-provided programs of the same name.
If a standard MANPATH environment variable already exists (that is,  
one that doesn't contain any empty components), add the ${prefix}/ 
share/man path to it so that MacPorts-installed man pages are found by  
your shell.
For Tiger and earlier only, add an appropriate X11 DISPLAY environment  
variable to run X11-dependent programs, as Leopard takes care of this  
requirement on its own.
If this doesn't fix things, then I encourage you to subscribe to the  
MacPorts mailing list and ask there because there are people there  
with far more expertise than I have.


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