Prices table usage

Colin Law clanlaw at
Thu Aug 27 09:10:48 EDT 2009

2009/8/27 Robin Chattopadhyay <robinraymn at>:
> I don't think that's right. When I look, I see that the accounts table has a
> commodity_guid field. That's the field I would use to join the prices to the
> accounts to avoid name conflicts. The fullname field is independent of the
> account(s) that the commodity is tied to.

Yes, you are quite correct of course.  I must have got myself confused
when I looked at that originally, I convinced myself the
commodity_guid in the account pointed to a currency commodity rather
than the fund one.  I obviously got my guids in a twist.



> On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 4:17 AM, Colin Law <clanlaw at> wrote:
>> Hi
>> A question on the prices table usage.  Is this correct?
>> The prices table has a field commodity_guid that links to a commodity.
>> The commodity linked to has a field fullname that contains the name of
>> the account that this is the price for.
>> So to find the prices for a given fund account I have to lookup the
>> prices where the fullname of the linked commodity matches the name of
>> the account.
>> Am I missing something or is that right?
>> What would happen if I had two accounts with the same name (with
>> different parents obviously).
>> Colin L
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