Family usage of gnucash

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Wed Dec 9 12:59:25 EST 2009


Валерий Булаш <valery.bulash at> writes:

> gnucash is not convenient for family usage.
> Family from my point of view is a little community where ...:
>    1. ... some people got separate salaries and other incomes.
>    2. ... all / most people can have common wallet - i.e. cash for food.
>    3. ... some people can have own wallets - kid for ice cream, wife for
>    make-up, husband for weapons and so on. I guess such wallets are transparent
>    for others, but it is not evident and not obvious.
>    4. ... every person can perform exact / similar financial operation.
> I see that implementation of multi-user access to gnucash data is not a
> family issue in general.
> How it is implemented in gnucash 2.2.9 (correct me where I'm wrong):

GnuCash is not multi-user.  You cannot have multiple people entering
data in simultaneously.

> No number... Term "person" (not just "user of program"!) doesn't exist at
> all. I see it is root cause of all problems.
>    1. Implemented with tricks. I can write in account name "Mary's income"
>    or "Joe's salary", but it is not applicable for sorting / filtering /
>    reporting.
>    2. Fully implemented where ALL persons want to share money. Not
>    implemented where SOME persons want to share money.
>    3. Not implemented at all. Full multi-user access with exact rights to
>    accounts and some rules of account visibility for others could help here.
>    Simpler way - every operation entered on personal account will record
>    account's owner name / code.
>    4. Not implemented at all. Transation must include person's name / code
>    or "all" as mark of transation owner / performer.

You're right, none of this is implemented.  Could you do this with Quicken?

> Regards,
> Valery Bulash

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       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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