A couple of doubts

Colin Law clanlaw at googlemail.com
Tue Dec 15 14:59:41 EST 2009

2009/12/15 Conscious User <conscioususer at aol.com>:
>> Thought question: Do you know what the entire bill will be *before* you
>> get it in the mail?  Yes, you might know how much you used the card, but
>> do you know (in advance!) how much the credit card company will tack on
>> in the way of fees and whatnot?  And will you *always* have the funds on
>> hand to actually pay the full amount?
> Point taken.
> But I have a more or less accurate idea of how and when the company
> charges fees, and was expecting to use the reconciliation feature
> in case of eventual mistakes.

When I reconcile my credit card account from the monthly statement, at
the end GC automatically pops up a transfer window allowing me to
enter the amount to be paid off.  If I remember correctly it defaults
to the full amount though I cannot be certain of that.  It even seems
to remember which account to pay it from.  Whether at some stage I
selected an option to enable this I do not remember.  It is difficult
to see how it could be much more convenient.

Colin L

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