No printer?
Geert Janssens
janssens-geert at
Wed Dec 16 12:11:29 EST 2009
On Wednesday 16 December 2009, Tommy Trussell wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 8:46 AM, James Wilde
> <james.wilde at> wrote:
> > On Dec 15, 2009, at 21:26 , James Wilde wrote:
> >> Hi, I feel incredibly stupid.
> >>
> >> I am running GC 2.2.9 on a Mac. I'm relatively new to the Mac. I've
> >> been using 2.2.9 on linux before, and I remember printing out reports
> >> without a problem.
> >>
> >> Now I wanted to print my first report on the Mac. I have my trusty
> >> Brother laser printer as the default printer on the Mac, directly
> >> connected via USB. But when I press the print button or choose
> >> File/Print Report, there is no default printer and I can't find anywhere
> >> to add one. I've been in under GnuCash/ Preferences and there's nothing
> >> on the Printing tab except something about print date format, print
> >> block characters.
> >>
> >> I checked the documentation and the FAQ but found nothing about how to
> >> configure the printer. So if someone can give me a hint, I'd be very
> >> grateful.
> >
> > A little more information.
> >
> > On the Mac I have virtualbox, in which I can run a Ubuntu 9-10 client.
> > On this client I have installed GC, and I can print reports.
> >
> > The interesting thing is that this instance has TWO printers: on the one
> > hand my trusty Brother as above, on the other Print to File.
> >
> > Now it's one thing that the Mac is not showing my laser printer, but why
> > would Print to File also be missing from the printer list?
> >
> > TIA
> >
> > //James
> I'm not familiar with virtualbox. What do you mean by an Ubuntu 9.10
> "client"? Is there a host machine elsewhere, or are you running Ubuntu
> 9.10 as a virtual instance under Mac OS on the same host?
> It sounds like maybe cups isn't running on Ubuntu, or you haven't
> successfully configured virtualbox to see your hardware. Check to see
> if maybe something failed during the Ubuntu installation.
I think the original poster meant the opposite of your suggestion.
When he runs GnuCash directly on MacOS X, he can't print. On the same machine
has has also got an instance of VirtualBox. VirtualBox is a virtualization
program similar to VMWare Workstation/Fusion, or Parallels or Virtual PC.
Inside this virtual environment he has installed Ubuntu. When running GnuCash
from within this Ubuntu installation inside Virtualbox, he IS able to print to
the very printer that is directly attached to his Apple computer.
There is a mention on the Mac OS X readme that Tiger users have to install a
particular version of Cups, which is the print system used on Mac OS X:
Is your Mac OS X version 10.4 (Tiger) by any chance ?
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