Sales Tax with GnuCash

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at
Wed Dec 16 17:21:35 EST 2009

>Just a note: A Tax Table can have multiple entries, and each entry can
>have its own account.  So for example you can have a Tax Table named
>State-County-Town and have three taxes in it that each go to their own
>account.  So for example your tax table could look like:
>  Sales Tax State-County-Town
>    5%          Liabilities:Taxes:Sales:State
>    2%          Liabilities:Taxes:sales:County
>    1%          Liabilities:Taxes:sales:Town
>Then on the invoice you just use the "Sales Tax State-County-Town" Tax
>Table and the appropriate taxes will be filed into the appropriate
Am I missing something here? I have NEVER seen tax tables as simple as 
that. Almost all that I have ever seen involve complex rules for what 
happens if the tax owed based on that percentage does not come out to an 
intregal number of the lowest unit of currency. And that is not 
always/necessarily as simple as "round up to the next whole cent". Also 
there may be very complicated rules about "precedent" and which taxes 
would be computed just on the base price of the item and which would be 
calculated on the price of the item PLUS other taxes already added on.

Michael D Novack, FLMI

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