proceed payment twice, what should I do?

edodd at edodd at
Fri Dec 25 00:14:32 EST 2009

> This sounds silly but I think i processed payment for the same invoice
> twice, once early this month and the second time now. And I have saved
> my file.
> What should I do? Can I simply delete the transaction of the second
> duplicated payment on the account "Saving account" which is where money
> is paid to from "Account Receivable"?
> I am also a bit surprised that gnucash allowed me to do it. I thought an
> invoice would have been marked as paid once I proceed payment, and not
> allowing me to do it again.
> Thanks in advance!

I would think that if you have processed it twice then there will be a
credit on the account.
Check for that first.
If you can't delete then you have an option to use a backup file ( .xac)
and redo any other transactions.

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